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Will We Turn? (03/09/2025)

Dr. Kate Wiskus

This week we began the season of Lent, a time for turning and returning. We are called to “repent” and to return to the path of righteousness – loving our LORD with all our being and one another as the LORD loves each of us. As I began this season, one image has been on my mind, and I can’t shake it. I keep thinking of Ninevah in the time of Job and how the king and all the citizens heard the call and did turn, they did return, they did repent. And I find myself praying that this year, this jubilee year, we all might turn.

Our world needs to return to the LORD. If we look about us, we see signs everywhere that we have lost our way: wars, division, crime against one another, suffering. As I sat this morning on my porch before sunrise with this very much on my mind, I was greeted with the sound of the sandhill cranes calling in the distance. Then the geese began calling to one another. For two hours, the birds were getting their act together. I found myself hoping that we humans would find our way, too.

I pray that this season of Lent in this jubilee year will be a time for us to turn – to turn to our LORD, the source of our being and of all love and peace. I pray that we will individually turn to our LORD in loving reliance, in faith, hope and love. I pray that in our turning to our LORD that we will turn away from that which divides us and separates us. I pray that we will prayerfully discern the LORD’s will for us all and work to realize that will in ourselves and in our world.

May this lent be different.

Until tomorrow, let us all love well.




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