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Dr. Kate Wiskus

Three on a Pump (10/06/2024)

I needed gas. My husband needed gas. My son who was visiting overnight needed gas. So, we decided to go together to get gas, and we figured out a way to do it all on one charge.


My son found a vacant pump at the end of a row with no one on either side. He pulled in on one side, my husband pulled in on the other side. I pulled in behind my son. My son fueled his car, handed the nozzle to my husband and then drove ahead to a parking space. While my husband fueled his truck, I pulled into the spot my son had vacated. When my husband was done fueling his vehicle, he stepped back to the other side of the pump and filled my gas tank.


Wala! Three vehicles with full fuel tanks on one pump! And did I mention there was a coupon for 50 cents a gallon off? But the coupon was only good up to 30 gallons and for one charge. My son was ecstatic. My husband was grinning pretty broadly, too. I must admit it was fun watching those two figure out the strategy and maneuver to “get ‘er done.”  And we managed all this through collaboration.


As Christians, we are called to be collaborators. It requires that we have the same purpose: love of the LORD our God and love of one another. It necessitates each of us doing our part to accomplish the good. Imagine what good we could wrought world wide if we did that? If we saw a good that could be accomplished, we agreed that the good should be accomplished and we’d work with others to make it happen, and we showed up and worked together on a common purpose. Could we change the world with love of the LORD and love for one another?


It's a thought I’m willing to entertain. Jesus called us to be collaborators. He called us to be people who not only loved but lived that love out loud. He called us to be prudent in his parable about the wicked steward. And through His life and example, He showed us the good that could come from love shared selflessly.


How about we try? Who’s in?


Until tomorrow, let us all love well.





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