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Dr. Kate Wiskus

The Race (10/05/2024)

Last evening was the Nightfall Classic Cross Country Meet that involved teenage athletes from over 25 schools. They competed on the 5K course lit up with ropes of lights spanning multiple holes on the golf course just beyond my screened porch. My husband, my son and I sat and watched as the runners raced around the course to the shouts of encouraging friends and relatives.


We watched the lead cart with a bright light speed ahead of the front runners, illuminating the course for them. We could hear shouts of encouragement from fans as they called out names and offered support. We marveled at how fast the youth ran.  And then, when I thought the race had passed, I saw a lone runner, agonizingly moving along the course, a cart behind with lights, almost herding the athlete to the finish line. And that was the runner that I couldn’t get out of my mind.


I felt empathy for that last runner. My body ached with her and for her. I found myself silently assuring her, “You can do this.” I kept my eyes on the course as she disappeared over the one hill, waiting for her to reappear on the other side, further along the track.


And the words of Paul to Timothy stirred within me: “But you, be self-possessed in all circumstances; put up with hardship; perform the work of an evangelist; fulfill your ministry...I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”


And I found myself praying to the LORD for this runner and then for myself for the perseverance needed. I prayed for her and for myself that we’d be able to put up with the hardships and keep on keeping on. I prayed that both of us would finish our races.


I thought of the myriads of people I know who are struggling in their race, wounded by grief, agonizing under world-imposed stress, carrying burdens we cannot see. I found myself praying for the newly widowed woman at church, for the neighbor with stage 4 cancer, for the woman at the market adding her choices and looking frequently at the cash in her hand, for the teen unsure of herself and her purpose. And I prayed for the world.


As we continue our journeys in faith, buoyed by the hope of the promise of our LORD, and fueled by love, immeasurable love, enigmatic love, let us draw upon the Spirit’s presence and gifts knowing that the LORD is there “cheering us on.” Let us be attentive to the others on the course, to their needs in the moment. Let us “compete well.” Let us finish the race. Let us keep the faith.


Until tomorrow, let us all love well.

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Beautifully said

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