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  • Dr. Kate Wiskus

The Apology (07/01/2024)

I’ve witnessed several apologies over my lifetime; truth is, I’ve made several apologies over my lifetime. But one I believe I will always remember occurred recently. I was blessed to be asked to accompany the one seeking forgiveness and to witness the one forgiving. Forgiveness occupies a central place within our loving journeys because we recognize how essential it is for we imperfect sojourners. It is so essential reason should tell us it is also urgent.

I think the urgency of the one seeking forgiveness is what first struck me. Once the person knew that another was hurt by his inaction, he determined immediately that he would seek the other out and apologize. As I accompanied him, I realized the gift and wisdom of immediately addressing the hurt. I found myself asking silently why I had put off seeking mercy and forgiveness in the past. As I said, his example was a gift to me.

And when he stood before the other, sincerely and humbly speaking of his sorrow for the pain the other was experiencing, without excuses, I was moved as I watched the other hear that she mattered.  I realized that is what is behind most of our hurts, the feeling that we don’t matter to the other. Our loving Savior taught us otherwise; He taught us that each of us matters and that we are to love one another well.

As I reflected on the day and what I had witnessed, the great love for another, the sadness that came knowing that an inaction had caused another pain, the insistence upon immediately seeking forgiveness, and the apology without excuses, “the Way” became illuminated and straighter for me. The LORD blessed me by allowing me to be present, by allowing my journey to intersect with these two.  

That apology changed the trajectory of my journey. I learned from example the power of authentic love for others conveyed in a humble and immediate apology without excuses. The centrality of mercy in our journey of love was reinforced.

We make mistakes along the way. We err. These errors can hurt others. Our LORD has taught us seek forgiveness always, to seek mercy from our LORD and one another, and to be people of mercy ourselves. As we journey, let us bear this in mind. As we journey, let us live this moment to moment.

Until tomorrow, let us all love well.


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