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  • Dr. Kate Wiskus

Starla (09/08/2024)

She sat down next to me on the bench. I greeted her with a simple smiling, “Hello.” And she began speaking immediately. She had a lot on her mind, and it carried out to her shoulders that seemed weighed down from the burden. She shared that she had made a decision. She was going to go back to her husband in Colorado because neither of them could make it alone in today’s economy. She shared that she’d been homeless for a while, but she was working now. She lived with her son and his family. She shared so many personal points and painful experiences. I listened, sipped my coffee, and nodded. I didn’t interrupt. I could tell she’d reached “spill over” time and I just needed to be an ear and a shoulder. She needed the opportunity to speak out loud what she thought.

As I listened, I realized how many Starlas there were in our world today, individuals struggling so with the cost of living and demands of our society. I could tell how hard working she was; her struggles weren’t from lack of trying but lack of “breaks.” Not everyone receives the break they need; not everyone is surrounded by understanding and compassionate people. Starla told me how fortunate she was that her landlord was understanding on that issue, when rent had to be paid late. We agreed that it was a blessing.

I glanced down at my watch and realized I needed to leave to meet my husband. I apologized for having to leave so abruptly. She stood, gave me a hug, and told me thanks. I hugged her back and told her thanks for trusting me and letting me walk a bit with her on her journey.

As I walked away to find my husband, I thanked the LORD for that conversation, for that immersion into the journey of another, and for insight into what others are dealing with in their struggles just to live. I asked the LORD to send His Spirit to Starla for her journey. And I asked for the Spirit to guide me so that I might like that understanding landlord who was compassionate toward others struggling.

Our journeys are often marked with hardship. We are called to be there for one another and for loving and authentic compassion to be our main currency in our relationships with others, in our dealings with others. As I listened to Starla, I kept hearing in my head the question, “What would I want from another if I were Starla?” And I kept praying for guidance.

We can tend to make decisions from a distance about another. But our loving savior taught us to get close, to seek to know the other not just know about them. My time with Starla reminded me of that.

As we journey forward in faith, buoyed by hope, and fueled by love, let us look at those we encounter along the way without judgment. Let us seek to come to know them and know their journeys, their hopes, their true needs. Let us seek to be true companions on the journey.

Until tomorrow, let us all love well.

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