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  • Dr. Kate Wiskus

Promising Prayers (06/17/2024)

My niece called to tell me of her dad’s fall and the physical damage caused by his trauma. She shared with me the plans for surgery and hopes for recovery. But mostly, she asked for prayers for her dad and for the family. Prayers were promised. Prayers are being said.

There are so many in our lives who need our prayers. It is part of our journey, praying for those on the journey as we are. Our prayers do matter. Not only do they lovingly bring the needs of another to the LORD, but they also reveal our faith in the LORD, our hope in the LORD’s intervention, and our love for the one in need as well as for our LORD who loves us all. Our prayers acknowledge our reliance upon the LORD.

The needs around us are so great, one with eyes to see and ears to hear cannot help but notice this. One of the greatest ways that we contribute to the coming of the Kingdom is through intercessory prayer, through the lifting up of the needs of others lovingly to our LORD.

Who are we praying for? Whose burdens are we bringing to the LORD and asking the LORD to lift away? Whose sufferings are we aware of and seeking to ease not only through prayer but through assurances that they are not alone in their battles?

As we journey, let us always remember that our sisters’ and brothers’ needs are part of our journey. Let us recall that the Christian communities from the beginning have cared for one another and about one another. Let us seek to both address the physical needs of the members of our community as well as the spiritual needs. Let us recall Jesus’ prayer the night before His selfless sacrifice of himself for us, it was a prayer not only for help in doing what He was called to do but also a prayer for us, His followers.

Let us keep a list of those for whom we have promised to pray. Let us lift their needs to the LORD. Let us hold them in our minds and hearts lovingly as we do so. And let us seek ways to assure them that do not journey alone.

Until tomorrow, let us all love well.

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