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  • Dr. Kate Wiskus

Praying for Miracles (10/02/2024)

The footage of the devastation left in the wake of hurricane Helene was interrupted yesterday by the perilous drama playing out over the land of Israel yesterday as over 180 ballistic missiles fired from Iran sought to inflict damage. I found myself praying to the LORD for miracles because our world needs them in abundance right now.


I realized as I watched this unfolding that we are truly being challenged as the daughters and sons of the LORD. So much is happening simultaneously around the world, how can we respond? And I remembered a prayer, a special prayer. I went looking for it and found it. And I prayed it. And I ask all of us to pray it. It is time we recognized how far we have strayed and seek the LORD’s help in becoming the one’s He created us to be.


The prayer is from Renew International. It is:

Gracious God and Father,

we are your people

embraced by your love.

We thank you for your presence with us

throughout all time.


Create us anew through

Jesus Christ your son.

Liberate us

from all that keeps us from you.

Send your Holy Spirit,

enabling us to share in your work

of recreating our world

and restoring justice.


Heal us

from every form of sin and violence.

Transform us

to live your Word more profoundly.

Reconcile us

so enemies become friends.

Awaken us to the sacred,

nurture our relationships.

Enliven our parishes;

reunite our families.


Fill us with joy

to celebrate the fullness of life.

Empower us to be a community of love

growing in your likeness,

by the grace of Christ our Lord.



Please join with me in praying to our LORD for our world and for our right relationship with our LORD and one another.


Until tomorrow, let us all love well.

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