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Many Hands (03/11/2025)

Dr. Kate Wiskus

Last evening, over 30 of us gathered for a simple supper of soup and salad followed by an hour of scripture study and faith sharing. After closing prayer, I headed to the kitchen to get a cart to begin bringing everything back to clean and put away. But before I could even make it there, the participants were pitching in and doing just that. I was amazed. I hadn’t asked; everyone just chipped in. And within 30 minutes, the dishes were done and put away, the trash had been emptied, and I was turning off the lights and locking the doors. And as I sat in my car, before I started the engine, I said, “Thank you, LORD.”

That’s the way it is supposed to be. As I sat on my porch for a longer time of reflection and thanksgiving, I recognized that. It was wonderful to behold how everyone just chipped in, carrying items back to the kitchen, doing the dishes, putting things away, washing down the tables and counters. Perhaps it was helped by our study that night of the parables and the realization that the LORD wants us to be part of the answer.

At the end of the session, I did say to the participants that we always need to ask “So what?” What has this reading taught me? What is this reading calling me to do? How will I be different because of reading this and taking it to heart? Perhaps what I witnessed so seamlessly unfold was everyone’s “So what?” It was beautiful.

And I was so grateful. I must admit that about 5:15 yesterday, as I was heating soup, counting spoons, opening salad dressing bottles, and setting out salt and pepper shakers, I was figuring how long it was going to take me to put everything back. I shouldn’t have fretted. The LORD was with us last evening, and the Spirit moved us to work together. Many hands makes for light work, indeed.

As we continue our Lenten journeys of faith, hope and love, may we be filled with the LORD’s love that calls us to use that love – to spend it wherever we go doing what needs to be done in the moment.

Until tomorrow, let us all love well.




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