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  • Dr. Kate Wiskus

Gratitude (6/21/2024)

I love to play mini golf. Every time we go to Door County, my family knows they will have to humor me for at least one game. Yesterday, my husband and I went out for a round. The course was full. Several holes had multiple sets waiting for their turns. We were fortunate that when we came there was an opening. We started out. The first hole was rough. Then, on the second hole, I got a hole in one. The people across from us on the course who were waiting for their turn to play were watching us. I got a round of applause. Then my husband repeated the feat! Two holes in one! The groups cheered and whistled. It was a new experience for us! Felt good. We shouted our thanks to everyone for their support.

Most of the time, on our journey, we don’t get much attention or acknowledgement for what we do. But we know we aren’t doing it for the accolade or praise; we know we’re doing what we do for love. But I do know, and I think you would admit it, too, that when one for whom we’ve done something out of love recognizes it, it touches us deeply.

We can’t do much about the way others perceive us, our actions, our words. However, we are responsible for our perceptions, actions and words. Yesterday, I read an article on the behaviors of happy women. Would you believe gratitude was listed second. It got me thinking about ways of being grateful. It also got me thinking about all the people to whom I should be grateful.

Ingratitude isn’t new; during Jesus’ time, only one healed leper returned to give thanks. But it does seem to be more severe than I recall from my younger years. I mentioned this to someone recently. They suggested that we modern folks feel more entitled than the struggling masses of centuries ago. Perhaps that is true. Do we feel entitled? Is it causing an unfortunate decline in gratitude?

I made up my mind after reading that article that I would work harder on being a person of gratitude, taking time at the moment to give thanks to those who are kind and loving. And I decided to take serious time in prayer daily to thank the LORD for what I have received, beginning with His loving presence and power and work in my life. 

Will you join with me? Will you agree to begin today to make gratitude a part of your journey, in the moment, thanking others along the way? Will you agree to add time for serious reflection, praise and thanksgiving in your prayer?

Until tomorrow, let us all love well.

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