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  • Dr. Kate Wiskus

Good Fruit (06/26/2024)

I love going to Hobby Lobby. I admit that I find the variety and quality of the supplies and furnishings there great. However, the main reason I enjoy shopping there is the staff. They “serve” the public kindly and graciously. Take for example my last visit.

 I was looking for a specific item. I found something similar, but not quite what I needed. I hailed an employee for help. His name was Mike. He listened to what I wanted, directed me to the proper area of the store, stood with me giving me details of the various options until I made my choice. Then I told him I needed one other item. He took me to their location at the other end of the store, helped me reach the one I thought would work, and then offered to carry it not only to check out but to my car.

My time with Mike bore fruit. In today’s reading from Matthew’s gospel (Mt 7: 15-20), Jesus speaks to us about “good fruit.” Our lives, if lived as the LORD desires, in right-relationship with our LORD and with one another, will bear good fruit. We see such fruit often in our world, goodness that is because of another’s loving words, actions, sacrifices, even silences.

I think of the women I have known throughout my life who serve the parish community in times of need such as funeral luncheons. I think of the men and women who give their time to serve as ushers and greeters, sacristans, lectors, extra-ordinary ministers of the Eucharist. I think of the lives touched with their words, actions, sacrifices. They matter. They bear much fruit, good fruit.

I think of Jesus’ teachings during his years of mission, of all those whose lives were transformed by His touch, His words, His love. He told us that we are to follow in His footsteps, to encounter as He encountered, to bear fruit through our love for our LORD and love for one another. As I ponder the reading for today, I must ask myself what fruit is there to show for my life? What good has come into this world because the LORD created me and then sent me on this journey of life? Whose lives have I touched? Whose burdens have I eased? Whose fears have I calmed? Whose needs have I seen and addressed for love of the LORD and another?

Perhaps it is because of the season of the year, but the idea of bearing fruit resonates with me especially strongly today. I want to be one who reflects the light of Christ in every corner of my travels. I want to be one who nurtures another along the way. I want to know that the life given to me by my all-loving and ever-present LORD was used well, as intended. I think of my family and friends; I believe we all want that in our lives.

Let us pray to the Spirit to guide us, to help us open ourselves to the moments and to others’ needs along the journey. Let us pray to the Spirit to strengthen us so that we might give even when it isn’t easy. Let us pray to the Spirit to help us bear fruit with our lives through love of our LORD and one another.

Until tomorrow, let us all love well.



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