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  • Dr. Kate Wiskus

Daily Scripture Reflection & Prayer: October 1, 2024

Date: Memorial of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Scripture Text:  Luke 9:51-56

When the days for Jesus to be taken up were fulfilled, he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers ahead of him. On the way they entered a Samaritan village to prepare for his reception there, but they would not welcome him because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?” Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they journeyed to another village.


Breaking the text open – background and summary:

The gospel reading for today brings us Luke’s account of the beginning of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem aware of his what that would mean. His Galilean ministry of proclaiming the Kingdom through word and deed has ended. His salvific mission that would lead to His death on the cross for our sins begins. Jesus knows this and yet He is “resolute.” And once again, he faces rejection at the onset. Recall that his hometown rejected Him at the beginning of His Galilean ministry. Now, as he set out for our salvation, He experiences rejection again. This time it is from the Samaritans who are at odds with the Jews of Jerusalem. Jesus does not retaliate even though James and John suggest He should.


Meditating on the text with personal questions:

Do I have the moral and spiritual courage to carry on, to go forward even when I know it will involve suffering on my part? Do I always welcome Jesus as He seeks to enter?



LORD, Almighty Father, your desire for our salvation and for our life in abundance with You led You to send your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to dwell among us and as our brother, to redeem us through his selfless sacrifice for our salvation, for our life. Send your Spirit to stir within us the openness needed to receive your great love and Christ’s sacrifice for love of You and love of us. Grant that we may open ourselves fully to your love and your will for us that we might have life in abundance. Give us the resolve we need to live as the children You created us to be and the disciples Christ calls us to be. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Spirit, one LORD, forever and ever. Amen.

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