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  • Dr. Kate Wiskus

Daily Scripture Reflection & Prayer: August 19, 2023

Date in the Ordine: Saturday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture Text: Matthew 19:13-15

Children were brought to Jesus that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." After he placed his hands on them, he went away.

Breaking the text open – background and summary:

The gospel for today recounts Jesus’ blessing of the children. Jesus rebuked the disciples for not welcoming those bringing the children to Jesus for his blessing as was customary in that time (seeking the blessing of a holy man/a prophet).

Jesus then tells the disciples that it is ones such as these children to whom the Kingdom of heaven belongs. What does He mean by that? Children are vulnerable, they are powerless, they are the poor of Spirit, they are humble, they are trusting, they are loving.

How does this pertain to us today?

In the modern age, we have much to learn from Jesus’ words today because they are counter culture to our modern world which preaches independence, cynicism, control. Can we be poor in spirit (the Kingdom of Heaven is the spiritual domain for which Jesus is speaking), humble before our LORD, trusting in our LORD, loving?

Meditating on the text with personal questions:

Do I come to the LORD with all humility, trusting, and loving? How about with others? Am I authentically humble? Do I acknowledge that while I am responsible, I am not in control? Do I seek unity over power? Do I seek harmony over popularity?


LORD, Almighty Father, we come before You, your daughters and sons, acknowledging our great need for You, for your love, for your grace, for the life which we lead and the life for which we long. Grant that we may continue to hold this relationship most dear of all in our lives. Help us to make our journey home to union with You for all eternity by living this life well and lovingly and caring for our sisters and brothers. Amen.

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