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Throughout this journey, I have been seeking a closer and more perfect relationship with the LORD God because early on I was blessed with the understanding that without that relationship I will neither ever be truly me or be truly happy."

Why me?

My name is Kate Wiskus. I have been on this spiritual, physical, and mental journey for 70+ years. It has taken me across America, to Canada and to Europe. It has brought blessings in abundance in the persons of my husband of 51+ years, my three grown children, and my eight grandchildren. And throughout this journey, I have been seeking a closer and more perfect relationship with the LORD God because early on I was blessed with the understanding that without that relationship I will neither ever be truly me or be truly happy.


Over the years, while I was educated in both Catholic and public schools and institutions of higher education, I have recognized that my life long formation isn’t limited to a classroom. Besides being taught in classes, I have been blessed to be informed through sight to take in the magnificence of the LORD God’s creation and the artistry of human hands, through hearing to catch the sounds of praise in the breeze as well as the cathedral, and through taste to savor the goodness of nature’s gifts and dishes cooked with love. Times spent with the LORD God and in family and community, have taught me the necessity of conforming myself the Christ through the power of the Spirit and the benefits from the transforming love of the LORD God and others.


My students at Mundelein Seminary and University of Saint Mary of the Lake referred to me as Dr. Kate. While I have a bachelor’s degree in religious studies with a minor in scripture, a master’s degree in biblical Hebrew, and a doctorate in ministry, the titles that I treasure most are not positional but rather relational. I believe that the best way to honor my earthly and human roles as daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, neighbor, and companion on the journey, is to honor my spiritual roles as child of the LORD God and disciple.


So, to answer, “why me?” I would say I was prompted to begin this blog because of my relationships, both human and divine. I cannot think of a better way of showing my love to others than sharing my love for the LORD God, for Jesus Christ. While I continue to reach out to help address the physical needs of others and I still volunteer to teach and catechize, I believe that my focus right now should be on writing about my soul’s journey because through it I can encounter others, give witness to Jesus Christ, and encourage others in their journeys.

Why this?

I have labored for Christ and his Church since I was a young adult. The first twenty plus years I served as a catechist, youth minister, and faith formation administrator. Then I accepted Bishop William H. Bullock’s invitation to join the diocesan staff and served as the director of multiple offices (Pastoral Services, Pastoral Planning, Evangelization, Lay and Diaconate Formation, Safe Environment, Victim’s Assistance). Lastly, I served as an associate professor of pastoral theology at Mundelein Seminary and University of Saint Mary’s of the Lake and as associate dean of formation as well as director of field education at the seminary. Since retirement from the seminary in 2015, I have continued to serve as a catechist, lector, and committee person at my local parish as needed. But I kept thinking there was more I could and should do. The LORD God isn’t done blessing me and calling me into being nor am I done with my offering of time, talent, and treasure to the LORD God’s building up of his people and Church. As long as I am this side of the sod, I know that this relational cycle must continue, that as the LORD God blesses me, I must share that in His service.


So, to answer why this, I realized I no longer have the physical stamina to stand and teach or work on a computer for 8-12 hours a day. However, I believe strongly that what He has given me is not to be wasted. I looked around for ideas, and I prayed a great deal. The LORD God looks after fools and short Irish women, so He blessed me with a daughter who suggested I start a blog and offered to help design it. And I realized the way I am being called to share my faith has changed.  I do have the energy and the inspiration to continue as a laboring disciple in the electronic age.

As long as I am this side of the sod, I know that this relational cycle must continue, that as the LORD God blesses me, I must share that in His service.

Why now?

When historians look back at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, they will note the loss of lives and damage to world economic health. However, I wonder, if they will recognize the cost to the human endeavor of actualizing self without the freedom to grow in relationship with the LORD God and one another. At the time when we are being asked to isolate and distance from others, we are likewise being asked to not practice our faith actively and fully. At this time, when so many are seeking so earnestly, I feel called to share my love for and knowledge of the LORD God. At this time, I feel called to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and of the salvation he won for us so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. At this time, I feel called to assure others of the gift of the Holy Spirit in our midst moment to moment guiding us, comforting us, and animating us. At this time, I feel called to invite others to grow their faith, to practice their faith, and to share their faith with others.




I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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